The goal of every internet marketer is having their website end up on page one every time someone does a search. This is where top search engine optimization techniques come in. Nobody is going to visit your website if it comes up on page 20. People are not that patient. So, to get better traffic, you have to find ways of making yours stand out. The following is a list of the top search engine optimization methods out there - along with ways on how you can make them work for you.
1. On Page Optimization
Even if it's the oldest, this top search engine optimization technique still produces consistent results. Unfortunately, it only manages to produce 15% of your total search engine ranking and Page Rank. But because of its consistency, at least that 15% is assured if you use it.
This includes optimizing your keywords, images alt tags, deep navigations, creating seo friendly links and title tags.
2. Article Marketing
Another internet marketing strategy that has withstood the test of time is article marketing. Basically, you write articles containing a single keyword focus. This article also contains a link back to your site. You then upload this article to article directories that post them for free. These sites then get the link back to your site in return.
The way this works is that once an article is posted, it provides a back link to your site. Search engines pick these back links up and move you up the results list. Many affiliate marketing sites rely on this tactic to generate most of their traffic. This technique needs to be maintained - in that you need to continually post new articles to maintain the SEO value of your links.
3. Back Linking Through Authoritative Sites
Another top search engine optimization method is using trusted sites to provide back links. Anything that ends in.GOV or.EDU is a trusted site. Other examples are high level directories like DMOZ or Yahoo along with major forums and recognized information resources. Because of their status, authoritative sites offer back links that are worth more than what others provide.
4. Link Baiting
A technique wherein you generate high quality content that attracts attention on its own. Ever heard of the phrase: "Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your doorstep"? The point of link baiting is producing content so useful that other site owners and forums will link to it as a reference. Being the authority on a certain topic means people will refer to you whenever the topic comes up. Photographer Thom Hogan puts Nikon cameras and lenses through rigorous real-world testing and writes about them extensively. As a result of all his hard work, people looking to buy check out his reviews first.
5. Social Media Marketing
The power of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn lies in their ability to make people heard. By making your presence felt in these sites, you can reach people who are receptive to your message. Knowing that they can reach you at your Facebook page or that you constantly update people who might follow you on Twitter means extra value that people can appreciate.
6. Going Viral
Viral videos that are the rage in YouTube are the best examples of this. Word-of-mouth can reach a lot more people. Not confined to videos, sending out free reports, building squeeze pages, and giving away free software are also effective ways of making droves of people flock to you.
Now that you understand, want to learn more how super affiliates - the top 10% of all affiliate marketers - get so filthy rich? Our 52-page free guide "How To Make Super Commissions" worth $47.00 will reveal more of their top search engine optimization [] insider secrets!
You cannot expect to jump from an unknown to "I'm Feeling Lucky" by just using one top search engine optimization method. Search engine optimizing works best by using a combination of different techniques. You have to have a detailed plan that adapts a long-term approach to getting your site to page one. Try out different strategies, test constantly for effectiveness, and tweak when necessary. Only after you have done the work will your efforts pay off.
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1 comment:
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