Saturday, November 5, 2011

SEO 101 - Simplifying Search Engine Optimization

As e-commerce becomes increasingly more competitive corporations must find new, inventive ways to appeal to consumers. Search engines are the intrinsic force behind such online positioning; balancing between supplier and end user to establish a means for communication. Incorporating efforts to maximize online interaction is vital to the development and maintenance of successful corporate visibility. Search engine optimization practices are designed to accomplish this objective, and are therefore, the cornerstone of an effective business model.

Search engine optimization, or SEO as it is commonly abbreviated, increases a websites visibility, volume and quality of traffic. This practice utilizes a combination of techniques, tips and tricks to frame a website in a manner which is easily found, sorted and indexed by search engines (such as, Google or Yahoo). Tangible, optimization results can typically be seen within one to three months following an engines indexing information into databases.

The process of properly positioning a website is an important and cost-effective means for marketing a business online, as it successfully targets potential consumers at the onset of a product or service search. This works to take business away from competitors while applying concentration to the correct target market.

Without search engine optimization a website would go unnoticed, site traffic would seize to exist and potentially valuable customers would dissipate. This is evident with such staggering statistics as that noted by Mike Moran, in his work 'Search Engine Marketing, Inc.' which stipulates that, "sixty-four percent of web users employ search as their primary method of finding things". This is a large piece of the online pie to ignore and one easily addressed.

A few simple tools for addressing and incorporating search engine optimization into a website include: keeping content up to date, relevant, useful and easy to read. While SEO practices change to coincide with search engine algorithms, content will always remain king. The more pertinent the content the more inclined consumers will be to view it; establishing credibility and encouraging sales.

Alternatively, website visibility and ranking on search result pages can also be maximized by seeking the input of experts in the field. A corporation maybe able to employ simple search engine optimization techniques (such as those listed above) internally, but more complicated endeavors should be entrusted to experts. Specialized companies have the knowledge and means to service website creation and maintenance, increase site visibility, supply relevant content, creative graphics, intelligent layouts and social media applications which work to the betterment of the business at large.

In closing, search engine optimization is a move toward the future of business. It is a cost-effective, important and powerful tool designed to leverage a corporation in the global marketplace. With the successful application of various techniques and practices SEO can better position a company in the face of an ever growing and competitive economy.

Drew Dekker is the owner and chief operating officer for Netgain SEO Inc. in Barrie Ontario. Netgain SEO is a marketing services company that specializes in search engine optimization, web design, graphic and print design.

For information:
t. (705) 797-2455

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