Sunday, November 6, 2011

SEO Basics: Learn How to Increase Your Google Page Rank

The Page Rank system at Google is the top search engine's way of determining the value of your website. For example, you will get a higher Page Rank value if you have a large amount of high-quality backlinks in place. Here is a list of 5 different things you can do to increase your Google Page Rank:

Step One - Add Your Site to Google

The best way to get a good ranking at Google is to submit your site to be considered for indexing at the website.

Step Two - Add Your Site to Directories

There are a number of popular link directories that will provide you with some very relevant, high-quality backlinks that will be used to determine your site's value and Page Rank. You should submit your site to at least 10 different link directories. It should be noted that most link directory listings are checked and added by hand, meaning that it could take months before your site gets listed unless you are willing to pay a fee for more immediate results.

Step Three - Article Marketing

If you are looking to get high-quality backlinks to your site you should consider article marketing. Just by writing a couple of relevant, keyword-rich articles each day and then submitting them to multiple article directories with your website link in the author's signature line will get you some pretty solid traffic.

Create writer's accounts with 5 of the top article directories and then submit at least one article to each site on a daily basis. Once you get going, you'll be amazed at how quickly your backlinks grow. Create articles that are around 500 words long - you don't want it too short, but then again you don't want it so long that people won't bother to read it. Make your articles easy to read and follow by using short paragraphs, bullet lists for quick tips and advice - all of these little extras will make your article stand out and be read.

Step Four - Try Blogging

Another great way to create high-quality backlinks to your site is to build and write your own relevant, keyword-rich blog. Blogs will only work to increase your traffic, however, if you make fresh posts on a daily basis and update the content on the blog regularly.

Step Five - Forum Marketing

Forum marketing helps to put you in direct contact with potential customers, discussing relevant topics and posting your opinions on something related to your products. Join a minimum of 5 forums that focus on a specific niche relevant to your website and post as often as you are able. A goal to shoot for is 3 times each week because you have to keep the momentum of the site going.

Don't forget to add a hyperlink to your website in your custom signature box at the forums, which will allow it to be automatically included at the end of your post every time you make a comment. It is important to note that you should never try to sell anything when you participate in forums, rather your main goal should be to build trustful relationships and, of course, backlinks to your site.

For more information, check out Increasing Google PageRank.

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