If you have been actively involved in social media for yourself or your business already, you are familiar with the idea that Facebook allows you to "like" people, organizations and companies. This offers a way for people to become more popular or credible. Google+1 is the Google version of this, except it also helps within search engines, too. The more someone has had "+1" clicked on them, the more likely it is to show up on a search engine with keywords that relate to what they have to say.
Google has already taken over the technology world with a search engine that has had more business than any other. They have gone into cloud technology faster and better than anyone else. Their Google+ is a way of combining many of the features that they already provide in an easier to use format that is very similar to Facebook. You have circles of friends that you can organize and communicate with in much of the same fashions.
Ultimately, the Google+1 feature is the business side of Google+. The +1 aspect is what businesses are going to need to start going after now as a way of showing up in more and more of the searches that potential customers are going to be performing on search engines. For so long, everyone went crazy to get the "likes" on Facebook and now they are going to need the acceptance from Google, too.
The social circles that are involved with Google+ will allow you to manage everything a little easier. Think of it as Facebook on steroids. While it may seem like the same product, it isn't because of the ability to manage within circles. You may want to post a link for all of your family members to see but not your co-workers. It allows you to differentiate between all of your friends since we all know that they all aren't really our "friends."
When it comes to showing up in the search engines, the Google+1 is the important part - not the Google+. You need one to get the other, but the +1 is an extension of the latter so that you can be noticed in more ways. So now, it's not just about SEO content and backlinks, you need the Google+ and +1 to ensure that people know who you are when they search for you on Google.
Fred Lotgering is a professional Internet Marketing consultant working from multiple locations around the world. He is dedicated to help to grow small and medium sized businesses by offering a variety of Internet Marketing tools! He is the owner of LotCon. ("LotCon" comes from Lotgering Consultancy). LotCon is registered in the Netherlands, soon also in Brazil). For more products suitable for "YOUR" business please go to: LotCon Biz Solutions Blog
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Fred_Lotgering
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