Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Boost SEO Exposure With Blogging

A popular marketing tool for small and large businesses alike is blogging. Blogging can give your consumers updated news from within your organization, project viewpoints that go along with the company's mission or vision and give visitors something interesting to learn. Another not as well-known benefit of blogging is the SEO exposure that it can give a company if done properly. A few simple tricks to include with every blog post can boost search engine ratings and increase web traffic. This allows a company to better reach out to its target audience by knowing how to reach out to the search engines. Knowing how to communicate with Google and other search engines can work wonders in where a website will be displayed in the rankings.

Search engines do not read in the human context. A search engine picks out key words and pieces that it finds to be most significant. When Google "reads" a website, it automatically assumes that the earliest words are the most important. It makes sense, then, to title posts with search terms that will lead viewers to the website. Make sure not to overdo it, however, and stick with one search phrase per post.

Another easy way to boost traffic is to link words to previous posts. Search engines such as Google place more weight on blog posts that contain links than ones that do not, especially if those links lead to credible destinations. However, like the title, too many links can have a reverse effect so just stick with a few.

Tags are another great way to boost traffic to blog posts. Stick with 5-10 relevant tags for your posts and enjoy the extra traffic that comes from Google ranking your blog post in terms of, well, the terms. Try to tag terms that users would likely be searching for to ensure maximum success.

Last, but definitely not least, take advantage of Google Insights. This tool allows webmasters and SEO maximizers to see for themselves which terms are generating the most traffic. With a tool like this at your fingertips coupled with knowledge of how search engines process information, you are at a great advantage when it comes to SEO efforts.

There you have it - something your business might be already doing could be the key to increased SEO exposure, and all you have to do is add to it! Who says there's no such thing as a free lunch?

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