Sunday, May 13, 2012

Google's Panda Update - Is Your Site Getting Eaten Alive?

Do you focus on SEO as part of your lead generation strategy? The odds are high that with the latest Panda updates from Google, their new algorithms are knocking you down a peg or two...or 10. What the heck is happening here?!
The New Change: A Backlink Builder's Nightmare
While Google reveals only limited information about their methods, what is revealed seems to affect almost every business that's been aggressively using SEO methods to maintain online presence in their market. While the jury is out on just how deep the new algorithms go, one thing is clear: You can no longer build links for the sake of building links! Quality is king now. Again, because this change is so new and it takes time for experts to "successfully" analyze what's going on, this is merely a prematurely proposed solution for your website woes.
The Possible Solution: De-optimization, Are You Crazy?
De-optimization. Why would anybody in their right mind do such a thing? Well, for starters many websites and SEO "gurus" have historically taken advantage of Google's algorithmic weaknesses. That's the goal isn't it? Not anymore.
Due to keyword stuffing and ridiculously useless content geared toward pleasing Google's bots and not site visitors, Google has unleashed this vicious Panda upon our sites.
Here's what you now need to focus on:
Informative & Pertinent Content - write your website's content to reflect what visitors may want to read. If the content is great and related to that site's or page's message, the crucial keywords you need should come naturally. Well, for the most part. Just don't try too hard. Keep your body keywords around 3-5 and don't over-optimize your H1 headers or have multiple H1 headers.
Solid Links from Reputable Sources - this one is easy. Getting backlinks from linkbuildersRus dot com or collegepartypeople dot com is not going to help your law firm, small business IT services company or other non-related business gain any rankings (or clients for that matter).
Although it's still a bit early to put together a solid plan for recovery and redemption, these general guidelines should certainly point you in the right direction. There's really just one thing to focus on above all. Keep things simple. Write content that people, not robots would want to read. Pursue linking to other sites like you'd pursue local partner relationships and you should escape clutches of this crazy Panda. But not before he gets a few nibbles in.
What is Google's Panda? Find out here:
Forget SEO - What if I can't even get my business's internet to run smoothly? Learn more here:
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Holly said...
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Unknown said...

Simply what I think is that the spammers are going to be out by Google by this year's Panda and Penguin updates. Some other meaningful websites are going to be hit by a mistake. But in a long way, that will also be cured if your Google will get positive vibes from your site.


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