Hundred of sites and blogs are created daily but thousands of them are lost in the crowd. It is to hard to sustain such tough times for new bloggers and site creators. Invariably content, and I mean quality content, makes one site popular among its readers. But there are a few simple tips that every SEO professional would implement to a site to increase its visibility to search engines, attract more visitors and help building quality websites.
- Host your blog with a blog software (CMS) like WordPress, Blogger, MovableType or Typepad. They can serve a variety of blogs and websites and are highly customizable. They are complete with comment system, archiving, sub-page, category, user registration system, feeds and much more. They will reduce a lot of headache.
- Give your post a descriptive title. Use your primary keywords in it. Short and catchy titles can be imperative. Create post URL corresponding to post title and keywords. These are search-engine friendly.
- Engage yourself in blogosphere. Participate in conversations in related forums and blogs. Share posts on social networks and sharing sites like Twitter, Facebook, Digg, StumbleUpon, technorati,, reddit etc. Do not shoot your post here like spams. Also not every post need to be submitted. Engage yourself in meaningful conversations within these social spheres, help users and build a user base for your site. These networks can help you to reach thousands of mouths in no time.
- Track your website traffic. I use Google Analytics for tracking my sites. Watch carefully which posts are more popular among visitors and use these on social networks. Create a list of your top popular posts and show it in sidebar. This helps engage readers. Watch closely for high traffic days and write 2-4 posts during them. This is very effective to impress new readers.
- Create a RSS feed of your blog for easy sharing of content by users and sites. You can use x for this purpose. Create a section in your blog where users can subscribe to your blog for updates. Whenever you create a new post, FeedBurner will ping it so that search engines and aggregrators know of the new updates.
- Create a sitemap of your blog and submit it to Google and yahoo webmaster so that the spiders can crawl your blog regularly.
- Leave comments on other related blogs and invite bloggers to write guest post at your blog. This step is quite a bit hard for new bloggers. To effectively attract bloggers to write at yours share tips or posts at their blogs.
- Exchange link with related blogs. This can help increase your pagerank (PR) in Google. Before you exchange link find the PR of the corresponding site using online tools. A PR of 3 and above is very helpful for a new blog. Beware linking to low PR sites or duplicate content sites can be penalised by Google.
- Add meta tags - keywords and description to header section of site pages. Use your primary keywords pertaining to the page or post. A description of 150 to 200 words should be added. These can help search engines to index your site properly and place you in searches for your keywords.
- Until your blog is a grand success restrain yourself from displaying any form of advertisements.
- Initially keep your post comments off until you develop a good regular user base. And then you can open comments site-wide.
These are few of the tips that every blogger needs to follow. One can't succeed at blogging in one night. It is a slow and incremental process. If you think that you are busy at creating content for your site and can't devote to SEO of your blog or site you can always opt for SEO specialists. These industry experts can earn high PR for your site by one way link exchanges, guest posts, advertising, place you in search engines for your choice of keywords, effectively index your site in search engines faster then an individual can. They would also check your site for standard compliant code and make any required changes. Since they are into the business, they can distribute your content to a larger base in social networks, press releases, aggregators and bookmarking sites.
Author is an engineer who loves to blog in his free time. He blogs related to web design and development using PHP, HTML, CSS, JS. He has written Photoshop tutorials like "Create awesome Web 2.0 logo".
He is a WordPress lover. He has written posts about advance WordPress hacks for remote publishing.
He loves to mingle with people and have fun in life.
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