Link Building is an important part of the Internet Marketing. It is so important that this has become a flourishing business profile. Many SEO companies have link building as their only business objective. It is important to know that using some techniques is against Search Engines' Terms of Service and could get your site banned.
What Are the Back-links?
Backlinks are incoming links to a website or web page. Backlinks are important for SEO because they determine in a certain percentage the popularity of a website or a page. It seems that Google takes in consideration the reliability of the backlink source. As an example, a new website will not hold the same importance in Google's algorithm as a link on Wikipedia or on an old PR9 website.
White-Hat and Black Hat SEO
The algorithm to calculate link popularity and search results is complicated and, of course, secret. Website owners discovered various elements that could improve reputation and they linked this with the little information that Google has given us. Once the algorithm guessed, people started to manipulate search results by artificially "optimizing" certain aspects of their Internet presence. All of the techniques and methods to artificially grow popularity of a site or manipulate in any sort the results of search engines are generically called Black-Hat SEO and they are against the TOS of search engines. All of the techniques that are not trying to manipulate search results, and are the result of natural Internet activity, are called White-Hat SEO. White-Hat SEO techniques are a great way to increase link popularity and get more visitors to your website.
Link Building Strategies
Any serious webmaster or Internet marketer has a few options to build links without attempting to manipulate rankings. As a site owner, you are very often perceived as an author; all of the writing contributors, including you, create an image for your website. The image you create on Web determines your popularity. Here is a list of good ways to establish yourself as an author and promote your website:
- Be an active member of the Internet community; participate to forum and news group discussions. Contribute with your knowledge and become a valuable resource to other users. As you post on forums, insert your signature with a link to your website.
- Establish your author image by blogging and commenting on other blogs. Valuable comments will entice new visitors to check your blog and search engines will detect your increased popularity.
- Article Marketing is a good way of building reputation. If you write good articles, people will be curious to see more of your writings. Your resource box is, for a visitor, the shortest path from your article to your website. Search engines treat Article Directories as a reliable source to calculate website popularity, the more article you publish, the more popularity your website gains.
- Publish videos linking to your website, if videos make sense for your website.
- Maintain an active social networking profile by updating your website's profile with content, comments and involving your visitors to talk about you.
Peter is an Internet Marketing Consultant who writes about Internet Businesses Ideas. He contributes with articles about Domain Names and Webhosting reviews for Dorian's blog.
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