Friday, August 24, 2012

How Title and Meta Tags are Used for Search Engine Optimization

When it comes to search engine optimization meta tags there are a few question website owners typically ask. Does each individual web page need a different title? Is there a maximum length for title tags? Is there a title tag limit? Are title search engine meta tags a good idea? How to use meta tags?
The World Wide Web Consortium requires that every single HTML document must have a title element in the head section. They also state that the title element should be used to identify each individual pages content.
The title search engine meta tags play four separate roles on the internet.
The first role the title tag fulfills is what librarians, other webmasters, and directory editors use to link to other websites. A well written title tag is far more likely to get faster reviews then one that is sloppy or incomprehensible.
The title search engine optimization meta tags are what is displayed on the visitor's browser. By displaying the title tag in the visitors browser the web user knows exactly where they are if they have to return to the site later on. Internet Explorer typically tires to display the first ninety-five characters of the title tag.
Search engines display the title tag as the most important piece of information available to web searchers.
A good title tag should be able to clearly indicate the webpage's contents to the web user. A clear title tag is more likely to be placed in the user's favorites list. The normal length for a good clear title tag is normally under sixty-five characters long. Title tags should be typed in the title case. Headers should also be typed in the title case.
When it comes to search engine optimization, the home page title is normally the first thing the web crawlers look at when they are ranking a webpage. Your website is introduced by your homepage title.
It is important to make sure that your title tag sounds credible.
Every single page of your website must have its very own unique title. A Meta tag is a special HTML tag that provides information about a web page. Meta tags do not affect the display of a webpage. Although Meta tags are placed directly into the HTML code, they are invisible to web users. Search engines use Meta tags to help correctly categorize a page. Meta tags are a critical part of search engine optimization.
It is important to remember that Meta tags are not a magic solution to making your website a raging success. The most valuable feature Meta tags offer to website owners is the ability to control (to a certain degree) how their web pages are described by the search engines. Meta tags can also let website owners prevent having their website indexed at all.
How to use meta tags? Meta tag keywords are a way to provide extra test for web crawler based search engines to index. While this is great in theory several of the major search engines have crawlers that ignore the HTML and focus entirely on the body of the webpage.
Jeff Casmer is an internet marketing consultant and work at home business owner. For more information on search engines optimization please visit his "Top Ranked" Get Higher Search Engine Rankings [] Directory gives you all the information you need to Earn Money Working Online in the 21st century.
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How Many Keywords Should Be in My Meta Tags?

One of the biggest questions that a beginner may have is how many keywords should be in their meta-tags. To be brutally honest, most people get this completely wrong and end up damaging themselves in the process. This is an unfortunate situation that can be avoided with proper education before the problem becomes a problem. Therefore, if you pay attention to this article it would definitely help you stay away from this problem now and in the future.
Let us just start out by saying that there should be no more than 10 keywords in your meta-keywords it is very tempting to have more keywords in this section. However, the search engines tend to see this as spam content. Therefore, the search engines will not place relevance upon whatever page the meta-keywords are placed on in the future or in the present.
The truth is that many people try to spam the meta-keywords for extra SEO rankings. However, this started to be a problem for the search engines because they could not tell what sites were relevant based on meta-keywords. Therefore, they stop placing as much relevance on the keywords as stated before. However, this did not stop the business practice of adding as many keywords as possible into a keyword section.
The search engine started penalizing sites for spamming there keyword section. Many of the sites that follow this business practice have experienced penalization and decrease ranking. Therefore, it does not make sense to add more than 10 keywords in the meta-keyword section. Doing so will only enhance the possibility of the website being seen as a spam website.
The best thing to do when trying to get rankings for your website is try to follow the search engine's guidelines as closely as possible as this will help you to avoid any spam penalties. This includes staying away from spamming the keyword section on a website. A smart optimizer will use a keyword section to diversify their terms that a page is relevant about without adding too much context to the particular tag.
It is also not smart to repeat keywords in the keyword section. Since you only have 10 words to play with you need to be very selective about which ones you choose. It does not help to repeat the same keyword over and over. This also causes a spam penalty on the website. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense for a business owner or a search engine Optimizer to be very careful about what keywords they put into the section.
Finally, if you are really pressed and need to add more keywords you should not add more than 15 keywords in your meta-keywords section. That is the absolute top amount of keywords that you should have on a page. Most of the smartest search engine optimizers do not go to this level. However, it can be done.
In closing, a person who is interested in having good rankings on the search engines understands that they need to be careful about what keywords they place on a particular webpage. If a person should be very careful about what terms they put on a page. They will avoid spam penalties from the search engines and give themselves the best chance that they could possibly have to get rankings on the search engines.
Scott Buendia is an internet marketing expert who is well known for his SEO and social media prowless. Check out his companies website at You can connect with here as well,
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Five Strategies for Organic SEO

Of all the Internet marketing strategies in use today, organic search engine optimization - or organic SEO - one of the oldest, battle-tested methods of achieving top rankings in the search results. Organic SEO works to build rankings for website based on having highly relevant content that is applicable to the keyword phrases that users are searching for.
To achieve high rankings in the organic search results, there are a variety of both on-site and off-site SEO strategies that work in tandem to help build authority and trust with the search engines on selected keyword phrases.
Below you can read five basic strategies that search engine optimization companies use in order to benefit their clients' organic SEO strategies.
  1. Conduct exhaustive keyword research: Keyword research is the process of uncovering the most beneficial key phrases that Internet users are searching for that you'll want to target for your organic SEO campaign. Before you start your keyword analysis, you must determine who your target audience is and whether you'll target Internet users on a local, regional, national or global scale. If you're simply targeting local searchers, you'll want to uncover keyword phrases that use geo-specific modifiers for your keyword targets (i.e. Rental Cars in Atlanta or Atlanta Rental Cars.) There are many useful tools that allow you to conduct keyword research to find which phrases are being search for by Internet users. One of the best is the Google AdWords Keyword Tool, which is a free keyword analysis tool that lists keywords based on their search volumes and how competitive they are.

  2. Have strong SEO copywriting: Once you've uncovered the most beneficial keywords for your organic SEO campaign, you'll then want to have a professional SEO copywriter develop optimized web content for your website that uses these keywords in a strategic manner that benefits organic SEO. Each web page on your site should be dedicated to on main keyword phrase or topic and that keyword phrase or topic should be used throughout the web content on each page strategically in header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) and throughout the body text. Utilizing strong tags on your keyword phrases also lets the search engines know that this word is more important than the others on your web page. Having well optimized SEO copywriting is a key ingredient in the overall success of your organic SEO strategy.

  3. Optimize Your Meta Tags: Meta Tags are informational tags that tell the search engines what your web page is all about. There are three main Meta tags that you can optimize for organic SEO benefits. The first tag is the Title tag. The Title tag, which shows up at the very top of each page in on the search engine results page (SERP) should include your targeted keyword phrase toward the front of the title tag. This also holds true for the meta Description tag, which is the second most important meta tag that you can optimize. The meta Description tag is a brief 170-200 character content block that shows up directly underneath the page URL on the SERP. Including your targeted keyword and a variation of that keyword is a best practice for optimizing your web page for organic SEO. The final meta tag I'll discuss is the meta Keywords tag which has become less and less important for organic SEO. This tag was often abused by SEO companies that stuffed the tag with every keyword under the sun. Now Google doesn't even use this tag to factor into how well a page ranks for certain keywords. I still use it however, because it's like dotting the 'i' on your meta tags. Don't over stuff the tag, but include your main keyword phrase and a handful of closely related keyword variations in the tag.

  4. Utilize search engine friendly URL structures: The URLs of your website should also keep your targeted keywords in mind. Optimized search engine friendly URLs work to support your optimized web copy and meta tags by including the same targeted keyword phrases in the URL string. If your web page has the same targeted keywords in the Meta tags, in the body copy and in the URL, that all combines to make your web page highly relevant to the keyword phrase being targeted for your organic search campaign.

  5. Start a content marketing strategy: Once your website is well-optimized for organic SEO, the next step you should take is starting a content marketing campaign that helps to build links to your website. Building links to your web pages builds authority for your web page on the particular topic it discusses. The best way to garner these links is by blogging and article writing, as well as distributing other content to other websites such as videos and press releases that help to build your online footprint and to help build links back to your site. This off-site content marketing strategy is a crucial cog in achieving long-term organic SEO success.
Chris J Everett is the Principal of the Captivate Search Marketing Atlanta SEO Company. An organic search optimization and PPC enthusiast, his firm offers affordable internet marketing services for small and medium sized businesses.
Captivate Search Marketing is a full service Atlanta search marketing company offering organic SEO, local SEO, SEO copywriting, ecommerce SEO, pay per click management and social media services.
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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Website Promotion Using Directory Links

Website promotion in order to get high search engine listings, and directory links are one of the best ways of doing that. By listing your website in a link directory or submitting articles to an article directory you achieve two things:

a) If your website is relatively new, you get the benefit of rapid search engine visits and consequent indexing and listings. Without website promotion, or some means of letting Google, for example, know that your website exists, you may wait a long time before it indexes your web pages. However, because an article or link directory is visited frequently by search engines, directory links will lead them straight to your web pages.

b) Unless the link directory or article directory uses the 'nofollow' attribute you will get a share of the Google PageRank of the web page on which your website or article is published. Some directories use the 'nofollow' attribute that prevents you getting that PR share, so avoid these if you can, although many offer the straight link for a fee. That is generally worth paying for.

Another reason for website promotion using directory links from a website or an article directory is that visitors to such directories will click on your link. In the case of a link directory, the link will be the website listing itself, and for an article, the link is contained in a section known as the 'author's resource', generally found at the end of the article.

Writing articles is a particularly useful way of website promotion because you use anchor text for your links, regarded by Google as offering a better way of optimizing the article than just a straight URL. The anchor text should relate either to the theme of the article or of the web page you are promoting.

While website directories generally publish the URL of your domain, an article can be published in an article directory with the URL of any page in your website you want to promote. It is deep links such as these that can make a real difference to the prominence of your website on search engine listings.

How do you promote your website with directory links? What are the mechanics? The procedure is really quite simple, and we shall discuss it here, first with link directories and then with article directories.

Website Promotion using Link Directories

When you register with a link directory, you will be asked to generate a user name and password. That will then generally be followed up with an email containing a confirmation link that you must click to confirm your registration. That is to prevent spambots from creating mass registrations with the directory.

Then you will be directed to the login page where you use the details you have provided to log in. You can then enter the details of your website. Each is different, and you may be asked for the website name or title, the URL and a description of what the site is about. That will be published with the site listing. Some might ask you for keywords that will enable your website to appear when people use these keywords in their search.

You then get a link from the directory to your website. That will help improve your PageRank and, additionally, Google and the other search engines will follow that link next time they visit the directory and your site will be spidered. Also, real people might read your description and decide to check out your site, so link directories can also generate traffic. Your description should be designed to impress the reader.

Website Promotion using Article Directories

An article directory is somewhat different. Here, you must first write an article that relates to the theme of your niche or website. You will generally use the same procedure to join an article directory, though may not have to give details of your website.

You then enter your article into the boxes provided: generally a box for the title, one for the article body and one for the resource. The latter two may be combined in some directories. You will also have a box for a summary of the article that will appear in the article directory, and perhaps a list of keywords will be requested.

There are many benefits of article marketing as it is called - far too numerous to list here, but suffice it to say that it is a very powerful method of promoting your website. You receive traffic through people reading the article and then clicking on your link to learn more, from improved Google PageRank and also from others copying your article, complete with resource, to use as content on their own websites.

All in all, when carrying out your website promotion using directory links, you are using one of the most powerful and least expensive techniques available to you, and few are ever disappointed with the results. It takes little work, and although some directories offer free listings, others make a small charge which is well worth the expenditure for the return you get in website promotion.
Article Directory:
More information on Website Promotion using directory links is available from where you will also find a website and an article directory to get you started.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

How To Drive Serious Organic Traffic To Your Website

This is the main problem that eats up maximum of your productive time. There are so many products to achieve this – and that is the main problem. Almost all of the traffic driving tools and articles claim to bring/ drive in maximum of the web traffic to your website. Many of their approach is quite naïve and does not help much.

What you are going to learn here is a revolutionary bot that will drag traffic automatically to your site and that to without having to invest much time on it. Move over Google PPC, organic SEO tools are here to serve you and your website!
What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization; that is it optimizes the results that the search engines display. More clearly, it works according to your whims and demands and guides and displays the relevant pages as you would want it to. One important thing that has to be mentioned here is the role of organic SEO.

Organic SEO helps promote your site rather than solely relying on the Pay-per-Click tools. In addition to that, if you use a clickbank tool like the Rapid Mass Traffic, you’re bound to get the dual benefits of SEO and well as clickbank products!

The goal of any SEO is that it should naturally improve your page rank according to the displayed search results and thereby pulling in more visitors. Our common sense says that the page at the top of the search engine’s results is the best of the lot.

Now you know that it depends on the bots left to lurch! The job of the bot is to crawl over the webpage and calculate the number of times the keyword appears in your page. In this way, it helps improve your page rank.

Rapid Results

There are various SEO services that you may find on the internet.
There are some important points to consider before getting a SEO tool.

•Number of people who use the tools

•The area of application of the tools – i.e. your workplace/home PC/Laptop, etc.

•How many people do the SEO job? That straightaway means that greater the number of people more will be the ‘optimization’!

•Need of client reporting. If the website is owned by you, then there is no reporting to be done. Otherwise it might be required.

•Goals you want to achieve. Unless you have a proper goal and time-period in your mind, you won’t be able to achieve the best results.

Organic traffic refers to the traffic that comes naturally to your site without having to forcefully draw it to your site. Rapid Mass Traffic will help you organize that. It is one thing to get traffic and another to get them rapidly! Think and analyze before you take the plunge.
Article Directory:
Click here for instant access to free tips, tricks and reviews on website traffic and increase website sales.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Seo Traffic Spider | Organic Seo Vs. Ppc War

Today online advertising has become one of the most basic mediums to promote a business and make your presence felt in the market. The need of the hour is to draw customers to your website by creating successful campaigns coupled with unique ideas and quality products and services.

Since the concept of online business has taken a front foot in the competitive market, it is important for businesses to realize that they need to dedicate their time and efforts more towards website advertising and marketing.

You may be in a quandary as to which technique to employ for advertising your website. First, before you employ any technique to promote your site, the golden rule is to clearly define goals that you wish to achieve. This will guide you in selecting techniques more appropriately and help you maximize your results within your budget.
Regarding the techniques, there are two options that have gained a lot of popularity in the recent times. These are:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization is the activity of improving the volume and quality of real time traffic to your site by optimizing your web pages. The SEO technique involves getting the topmost ranking without paying since your site is relevant to the search query entered by the user.

Pay Per Click (PPC)
This is an advertising model which requires an advertiser to pay when a user clicks on the ad. Advertisers select keywords that they want to run on and which are relevant to their business and then bid on these keywords. Bids may vary from keyword to keyword depending on how important and relevant the keyword is for the business. The advertiser’s ad shows under the sponsored links when a user types in a search query which matches the advertiser’s keyword.

Many times some commercial websites make use of both these options simultaneously to advertise their website. This is also a smart option as it not only leads to better website exposure and visibility but also ensures a better ranking and real time traffic to your site. However, gaining a better understanding of both these methods by analyzing their pros and cons can help you gauge which technique would be more suitable for you and is in align with your business objectives.

Search Engine Optimization Pros

More Credibility – By showing on top of search results you can enjoy more credibility because real time traffic and popularity is achieved by putting in lot of time and effort. The ranking is achieved purely on the basis of quality content and relevance.

Free Placement – Unlike PPC, you do not have to pay for the clicks you receive from organic search results. Getting on the top position is a matter of how well you optimize your site in relation to your competitors. It also saves you money in the long run once the process takes off well.

Improved Website Ranking –SEO also helps you attain a better site ranking with little effort. You can also hire SEO professionals like SEO Traffic Spider who can carry out the optimization task on your behalf which will reap you the benefits in the long run.

Qualified Traffic – You can expect a good amount of qualified real time traffic to your site as a result of increased recognition of search engines.

Long Lasting Results – The results you achieve from this method are more lasting and stable. Also, it gives you a much higher return on your investment. This is because usually users tend to click on organic search results when compared to PPC ads and this brings more traffic for less.

Search Engine Optimization Cons

Time Consuming – SEO is a complicated task and requires enormous amount of time and effort to implement it the right way. Sometimes it may also require you to completely modify the structure, layout, presentation, or content of your website to make it search engine friendly and also enhance user experience.

Results May Take Time – The true impact of SEO efforts cannot be known immediately. It will not give you instant results in terms of traffic and may take some time for your site to get the desired traffic. This time gap may affect your profitability till the time you start seeing true results.

Pay Per Click Pros

Instant results – This method brings you immediate results in terms of traffic, leads, or sales. In a matter of few hours or days you can begin to show on top of the sponsored links and enjoy the benefits of increased traffic flow.

Appropriate for Temporary Offers – This would be an ideal option for those who want to gain an entry into the online market for a short term or for those with temporary product/service offerings. This is because they can hope to gain better visibility and exposure by bidding higher on keywords rather than waiting for SEO to be implemented and return results.

Easy to Implement – PPC can be easily implemented without devoting much time and effort to it when compared to SEO. It also enables the advertiser to experiment with different keywords and landing pages to see what works best. You can also bid on a variety of keywords that you want to run on and which cannot be practically placed in your web pages when implementing SEO.

Pay Per Click Cons

Expensive – It is an expensive option as it eats up on your profit margins. Also, you end up paying even for clicks that may not convert into sales. Additionally, in case of click fraud, you may end up wasting a considerable amount of your budget on fraudulent clicks.

A thorough analysis of the pros and cons of both these approaches will help you decide which option would be more suitable for your advertising needs. However, the main highlight here is that PPC serves well as a short term strategy over SEO. It is a good option for those looking for quick results and a good ROI while waiting for their SEO initiative to ramp up. However, using the PPC model will leave you with thinner profit margins. From the long term perspective, search engine optimization will bring in higher profitability and make the most of your advertising dollars as it will extensively increase your margins in the long run.
Article Directory:
SEO Traffic Spider, is a global provider offering its customers a full suite of SEO solutions ranging from Indexing, Optimization - On Page/Off Page, Linking, SEO Copywriting, Site Overhauling, Traffic Analytics, etc.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Experts Suggest Link Directory Submission Process To Get More One Way Links

Experts Suggest Link Directory Submission Process To Get More One Way Links Experts Suggest Link Directory Submission Process To Get More One Way Links by Tom Dahne

SEO experts suggest link directory submission process that will improve your numbers - in terms of link backs dramatically. Many newbie webmasters and even the veterans follow an arbitrary process of link directory submissions.

They do not have a process
1. To check if they have submitted their links correctly,

2. If it has been accepted?

3. Is the link pointing to the correct page?

4. Are the titles and descriptions what you want?

They submit the links and forget about it.

If you wish to get top rankings for your website on the search engines this kind of haphazard and half-hearted measures won't work.

Experts suggest link directory submission process that follows a step-by-step approach to getting one-way links.

1. Make sure you choose SEO friendly web directory. The one-way links should be direct, static, and SEO-friendly. Javascripts, robots no follow tags means you won't get any SEO benefit from the link back.

2. Find the best category/sub-category for your web site link. Browse or use search to find the best page to place your link. The page should contain relevant material to your niche and is one or two clicks away from the home page of the directory. Burying your link 10 pages deep won't give you much benefit.

3. Pay attention to your title and description for your website link. Don't think you have to stuff them with keywords. Write in a normal, catchy and descriptive manner with keywords naturally thrown in.

4. Write multiple titles, descriptions with various keywords and mixed. Have at least 10-15 variations. When submitting mix and match titles and descriptions. If search engines find hundreds of links with the same anchor text and description they will simply discount the links. It will be waste of your time and effort to submit to these sites.

5. Make sure your website is completed in all respects. Human editors may not like to see under-construction or broken link pages. They may reject your site submission for these reasons.

6. Make your link directory submission and note the web directory URL and category under which you have submitted the page.

7. About a week later check that your link has been listed in the correct directory category, with the description and title of your choice.

8. If you feel that it has been listed in wrong category or some other issue write to the editors to make the required correction. Best is to ensure that you follow all their guidelines and submit the human friendly title and description.

9. Look for niche directories that accept only links from particular niche categories.

10. Make your title and description catchy enough that when a human visitor chances upon it, they will click on it.

Repeat the process. Experts suggest link directory submission targets for every week. Say you set a target 15 one-way links per week.

Over time you will notice that this process comes automatically to you and you will be getting quality one-way links that are SEO friendly. Experts suggest link directory submission process to become part of your daily routine. You will start noticing results with in a month and in less than a year you should be dominating your niche.

Written by: Tom Dahne Website: and Tom Dahne are the owners of the very popular directory called Link Directory which is 100% SEO friendly and Human edited, and it accepts free and paid submissions for any quality website so feel free to submit your website today for inclusion.

Article Source: Experts Suggest Link Directory Submission Process To Get More One Way Links